Pros of Biomass Boilers


Biomass boilers are considered environmentally friendly boilers. That is because unlike coal, which needs much longer than a lifetime to re-generate, biomass is considered a renewable source of energy because it can be obtained relatively quickly by replacing or growing new plants or trees.

Biomass is also considered a carbon-neutral form of energy because the same amount of carbon dioxide that is released by the burning process is later re-absorbed by growing plants. Not only it supplies us with energy, but it also helps with the disposal of wood and other materials’ waste.

Replacing a coal or electric heating system with a biomass boiler can help you reduce your carbon dioxide output by up to 9.5 tons, annually.


Biomass energy is a great way to dispose of waste wood. That means the system is even more sustainable if you burn your own wood instead of having it delivered.

Prices of traditional fuels like oil and gas are steadily increasing, and this tendency is not expected to change anytime soon. Biomass needed for pellet boilers, for example, has much more stable prices, so you won’t see your bills increasing sharply. Moreover, prices for biomass are close to gas prices but much cheaper than electric heating and solid fuel, so a biomass boiler is an ideal replacement for those kinds of systems.

Biomass boilers and stoves qualify for the Renewable Heat Incentive scheme (RHI), which means you would qualify for periodical payments over several years. This helps repay your initial investment in a shorter time.

Pros of Biomass Boilers



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