Biomass Resource Boiler Using In Southeast Asia


Biomass Resource Boiler Using In Southeast Asia

Biomass resources, particularly residues from forests, wood processing, agricultural crops and agroprocessing, are under-utilised in Southeast Asian countries. There is an urgent need to utilize biomass wastes for commercial electricity and heat production to cater to the needs of the industries as well as urban and rural communities. Zhengzhou Boiler Co., Ltd. offers biomass boiler system to strengthen your company power by reducing your energy and production cost, through the combustion of renewable and green fuel sources known as Biomass. 

Current technologies for biomass utilization need urgent improvement towards best practice by making use of the latest trends in the waste-to-energy sector. Southeast Asian countries are yet to make optimum use of the additional power generation potential from biomass waste resources which could help them to partially overcome the long-term problem of energy supply. There can be several routes for dedicated power generation from biomass at various scales of power output.

Cogeneration of heat and power from residues in forest-based and agro industries is being increasingly promoted by the private sector, mostly for in-house consumption. In contrast, utility companies in Western countries already supply electricity and heat from biomass to national grids and local communities.

We are the leader among boiler manufacturers China in boiler technology innovation and we have been committed to developing sustainable heating and power solutions by renewable and efficiency biomass fuels.

Biomass Resource Boiler Using In Southeast Asia,biomass boiler manufacturer

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