Why Waste Heat Boiler Cement Plant Is Substandard In Power Generation


Why Waste Heat Boiler Cement Plant Is Substandard In Power Generation

In China, low temperature cement kiln waste heat boiler for power generation technology has been widely used, whether process technology, equipment, construction, installation, debugging, or operation of waste heat boiler in cement plant have been quite mature. From the current projects that have been put into operation, some waste heat power plant boilers can reach or exceed designed value, but some power generation cannot reach the standards.

What may affect waste heat boiler electric energy production

There are many restricting factors of waste heat boiler power generation, such as technology, kiln type, fuel, raw materials, decomposition furnace, preheater, gas cooler and fan, etc.

Be substandard means the actual power generation does not reach the design value. We can analyze the main operation specification, like power generation, inlet or outlet flue gas temperature, pressure, outlet steam flow, pressure, temperature, steam turbine, etc. How much electricity it can generate is not only related with kiln waste heat power generation conditions, process, equipment, fuel, and also is related to the cooperate with cement and power generation, the kiln operator’s level and operating characteristics.

1.Cement kiln actual available waste heat of smoke volume is low: import waste heat boiler smoke gas is small, do not meet the design parameters.
2.There are defects in waste heat power station boiler design and installation:  design of the flue gas pipe and steam pipe, insulation design and installation exist defects.
3.Cement kiln technology and equipment restriction: stable waste heat power generation system is the premise of cement process system stability.
4.Operator is incompetent to the boiler operation: boiler operator is lack of experience or lack of communication and cooperation with power plant operator.

low temperature cement kiln waste heat boiler, waste heat power boiler in cement



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