How to Improve Oil And Gas Fired Boiler Thermal Efficiency


How to Improve Oil And Gas Fired Boiler Thermal Efficiency


For oil and gas boiler, if we want to save fuel and improve the thermal efficiency of boiler, the main measures are:

1. Adopting flue gas waste heat recovery technology to reduce exhaust gas loss.

The main factor affecting exhaust heat loss is exhaust gas temperature. The higher the exhaust temperature, the greater the heat loss of the exhaust. At present, most of the newly built boilers are equipped with flue gas waste heat recovery equipment, such as coal economizer, semi condensing or fully condensing flue gas waste heat recovery device, which can effectively reduce the temperature of exhaust smoke and improve the boiler thermal efficiency.

2. When the excess air coefficient is too high, it is equivalent to inhaling extra cold air into the furnace. This part of the extra cold air does not take part in the combustion, but is discharged after being heated, and the heat loss of exhaust smoke increases. Therefore, reasonable control of air fuel ratio, minimizing exhaust heat loss and incomplete combustion loss is another key point to enhance boiler thermal efficiency.

3. We must strictly control the water quality of the boiler.

Boiler fouling not only reduces the boiler thermal efficiency, but also the boiler heating surface temperature rises, heating surface damage. Therefore, the use of high quality soft water treatment device, strictly according to the flow of boiler feed water softening treatment device, control boiler water quality, which can delay the formation of water fouling.

How to Improve Oil And Gas Fired Boiler Thermal Efficiency

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