Detailed Parameters of Wns10 Tons Fuel Gas Steam Boiler


 WNS10-1.25-Y and Q are 10-ton oil-fired gas-fired steam boilers with a pressure of 1.25MPa. This boiler adopts the current popular horizontal internal combustion chamber combustion model, with sufficient output, convenient operation and no pollution. The following is an introduction to the detailed parameters of WNS10-1.25-Y and Q, the boiler body, and the sub-item quotations of auxiliary equipment including installation fees.


Wns10 Tons Fuel Gas Steam Boiler

1. WNS10-1.25-Y, Q detailed parameters

2. Sub-item quotations for boiler body and auxiliary equipment

The quotation of WNS10-1.25-Y and Q boiler bodies generally depends on the boiler model and specific parameters. Another factor is that the trend of steel prices in the market also affects the price of boilers, because the price of the body changes in real time, and the price is generally All are above 600,000 yuan, and the specific price is subject to the latest quotation. Regarding the price of auxiliary equipment, if customers need to configure auxiliary equipment, ZBG group can provide you with a complete set of auxiliary equipment itemized quotations. ZBG welcomes your consultation.

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  • Heat Converters
  • Pressure Converters
  • Temperature Converters

Any question, please contact us for free. Phone number: +86-371-86686767 Skype: zgboiler
