30 Tons Coal Fired Industrial Boilers


30 tons coal fired boilers contain two categories, one is circulating fluidized bed boilers, one is 30 tons chain grate boilers, and 30 ton coal fired industrial boiler generally refer to steam boiler.

The model parameters details of 30 tons coal fired industrial boiler:


30 Tons Coal Fired Industrial Boilers


1. 30 tons industrial CFB(circulating fluidized bed) coal fired boiler

30 tons SHX CFB boiler. steam pressure: 2.5MPa, rated steam temperature: 400 ℃, feed water temperature 104 ℃, design fuel is anthracite, shipped in bulk.


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2. 30 tons industrial chain grate coal fired boilers

a. 30 tons DHL corner tube coal fired steam boiler. steam pressure: 2.5MPa, rated steam temperature: 226℃, water temperature: 105℃, the design fuel is II-class bituminous coal, shipped in bulk.

b. 30 ton DHL corner tube boiler. steam pressure: 1.6Mpa, rated steam temperature: 204℃, feed water temperature: 105℃, design fuel is type II-class bituminous coal, shipped in bulk.

c. SHL chain grate boiler. steam pressure: 1.6Mpa, rated steam temperature: 204℃, feed water temperature: 105℃, design fuel is type II-class bituminous coal, shipped in bulk.

The above is only a list of some 30 ton coal fired boiler parameters. If you want to know more about the 30 ton boiler type and specification, welcome to consult us online.

30 Tons Coal Fired Industrial Boilers

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