The Advantages of Paddy Husk Fired Boiler


The Advantages of Paddy Husk Fired Boiler

Today, one customer had interest in rice husk boiler and asked for a quotation. Paddy husk boiler belongs biomass boiler, What is its advantage?

After bagasse, rice husks are probably the largest mill-generated source of biomass available for energy-use. As large quantities of rice husks are normally available at the rice mills, and there are no additional efforts or costs involved in the collection of this biomass for use as an energy source. Due to the availability of large quantities at any given location, rice husks can be put to use for comparatively larger energy applications, like generation of steam for process heating applications. In the northern parts of India, like in the states of Haryana and Punjab, due to the practice of dry milling of paddy rice, there is practically no captive consumption of husks within the rice mills. Thus, large quantities of rice husks are available for use as fuel.

biomass boiler advantages

Paddy husks fuel is so light that it mostly burns in suspension, leaving the fuel more flammable than other fuels such as wood. The representative characteristics of rice husk which are highly valued as fuel are as follows, moisture: 9~12%, ash: 13~18%, volatility: 60~65%, fixed carbon: 13~19%. So the advantage of paddy husk fired boiler determines that it is a good choice for the customer, especially rice mill. 

The Advantages of Paddy Husk Fired Boiler

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