What May Cause CFB Boiler Coking


What May Cause CFB Boiler Coking

Circulating fluidized bed boiler as a common power boiler equipment, coking is one common phenomenon during operation. There are many reasons causing coke, but coking is usually caused by its structure or improper operation. For example, unreasonable boiler installation structure, wrong heat surface arrangement, air distribution for hood and air distribution plate is uneven, too low air speed, all these problems in structure will cause a CFB boiler coking problem.

Improper operations also cause the boiler coking: too low or too high dense phase zone temperature, coal feeding is not even, air and coal ratio is not good, too much cold ash, etc. In addition, if the coal fuel is not screened carefully, leaving too many stones and other debris mixed with the fuel, or larger particle, too much powder, too much water, it is very likely to coke.

What May Cause CFB Boiler Coking



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