Operation Cost of 6 Ton Gas Fired Boiler


Operation Cost of 6 Ton Gas Fired Boiler

Low nitrogen gas fired boilers have occupied the hot search market of environmental protection boilers in recent years. Then, the customer's most concern is the operation cost of the boiler. Taking 6 ton gas boiler as an example, this paper calculates the operation cost of 6 ton gas boiler, such as fuel cost, electricity cost, labor cost, maintenance cost and so on.

Fuel cost of 6 ton gas fired boiler
Six ton gas fired boilers consume 480 m per hour, the fuel price is A, and the annual fuel cost is 480 m x A * an hour of operation per year.

6T natural gas boiler electricity expense
Power consumption of 6T gas-fired boiler is 20KW, power consumption per hour is 20 *85%*price

6t gas fired boiler labor cost
6 t gas boiler requires one person to operate

Maintenance cost of 6T/H gas fired boiler
Maintenance expenses of natural gas fired boilers: the first two years are calculated at US$1000 per year.

The cost of fuel, electricity and manpower varies from place to place. You can calculate the cost of boilers according to local conditions. If you have more questions about the operation cost of 6 ton gas fired boiler, you are welcome to consult our customer service directly online. 

Operation Cost of 6 Ton Gas Fired Boiler

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