How Does Coal Fired Steam Boiler Work


How Does Coal Fired Steam Boiler Work

Steam boilers use heat to convert water into steam for a variety of applications. Primary among these are electric power generation and industrial process heating. ZG Group provides boilers ranging from package boilers for small-scale plant applications to large, high capacity utility boilers used to generate 400 ton/hr steam. We have the experience to burn virtually any fuel to produce steam efficiently, safely and reliably. The coal fired steam boiler is the most widely used boiler type in the worldwide.

How does a coal fired steam boilers

The coal was supplied to the chain grates of the boilers by means of a coal reserve multispout hopper which fed into the main hopper of the boiler thence on to the grate. As the coal continued to trickle downwards under the demand influence of the chain grate below, the coal emerging from the spouts allowed the larger khile the finer material remained static, this being coal separation. This caused a variation in the porosity or permeability of the coal on the grate with resultant draught problems. As the coal ignited and burnt the forced draught naturally took the path of least resistance, and the major portion of air passed up through the section of grate covered by the larger pieces which had the greater porosity. Since the draught was applied at a pre-determined pressure and volume and since it could only slightly penetrate the dense mass of fines, there was an increased volume and consequently an increased velocity of air passing through the sections of larger pieces of coal. Any finer particles adhering to or separating off these larger pieces of coal then ignited and were carried by the high velocity draught up through the furnace and deposited on the overhead generating tubes while still in their plastic state. When striking the comparatively cooler surface of the tubes they were chilled and adhered to this surface, this being the beginning of birdnesting

How Does Coal Fired Steam Boiler Work

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